These are super easy to make but I didn't make them like I usually do due to lack of ingredients... just lettuce really but oh well.
The Recipe:
skinless boneless chicken breast (I usually do half a breast per person but it depends on level of hunger and appetite)
sour cream
fajitas tortillas
1. Cut chicken into strips or small chunks and cook in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil
2. (while chicken is cooking...) Finely chop onions (and if you're like Joelle, you might definitely cry)
3. Chop lettuce (I usually try to make it look like McDonald's lettuce because that's how I like it but it really doesn't matter)
4. Once chicken is cooked, add onions and salsa. Turn down heat and allow to simmer
5. (while chicken mixture is simmering) Grate cheese
6. Warm up tortillas by placing over chicken mixture for about a minute and a half
7. Place tortillas on plate, add chicken mixture (in a straight line down the middle and put as much as you like)
8. Top fajitas as you like with cheese, sour cream, lettuce and more salsa
9. Roll and enjoy
My Experiences:
I make fajitas quite often actually. You make them really to your own taste. You can add green peppers, for example, to the chicken mixture (I, however, do not particularly like green peppers). You'll figure out what you like and don't like by trying it. Sometime in the near future I'll make a different kind of fajitas that I really enjoy and you can try those too (because of course I'll be blogging about it)!
Other than that they are fairly fool proof as long as you don't over cook the chicken or add things (or too much of others) that you don't like. I always suggest to have the eaters top their own fajitas (for example, Joelle doesn't like sour cream but I love it). Then that way everyone is happy :)
The Ratings:
Joelle's rating: 9/10
My rating: 7/10 (I know I prefer it with lettuce and have made better... next time though!)
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