Got Any Ideas?

Got Any Ideas?

If you want to suggest a recipe for me to try, just email me at and I'll give it a whirl!
ps: put the subject title as Cooking Ginger and then the title of your recipe. I have been getting a lot of spam and it would be nice to know what ISN'T spam :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict

Where did I find this recipe? Best Recipes Ever of course. Man I love that show!

The Recipe:
1 tsp vinegar
8 eggs
4 English muffins or wedges focaccia or croissants
8 oz smoked salmon

Hollandaise Sauce:
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1 pinch cayenne pepper
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill

1. Pour enough boiling water into skillet to come 3 inches up side; return to boil. Add vinegar; reduce heat to gentle simmer.

2. Break each egg into small dish; gently slip into simmering water.

3. Cook until desired doneness, about 5 minutes for soft yolks and firm whites.

4. Remove with slotted spoon and drain well, patting bottom of spoon with towel to dry egg.

5. Meanwhile, cut English muffins horizontally in half and toast; place 2 halves, cut side up, on each plate.

6. Top each with smoked salmon, poached egg and 2 tbsp Hollandaise Sauce.

Hollandaise Sauce:
1. In heatproof bowl over saucepan of simmering water, whisk egg yolks until thick enough to coat back of spoon, about 4 minutes.

2. Remove from heat.

3. Whisk in butter, 2 tbsp at a time, until thickened; whisk in lemon juice, salt, cayenne and dill.

4. Keep warm over hot water.

My Experience:
I don't like making sauces. Next time I will just buy a package of Hollandaise sauce because I didn't find it was worth the effort. Especially since I didn't use fresh dill and put WAY too much in so I had to add more egg yolks. Now I have 6 egg whites in my fridge to use. But if you are good at making sauces, go right ahead. It just isn't for me.

Other than that incident, this was really yummy. It was also my first time making poached eggs. I sort of over-cooked them though. So if you want the yolk runny, I would say cook less than the 5 minutes because it was too long for me.

Sam said he really liked it on the croissant and of course he loved the smoked salmon.

I might try this again, but with store bought sauce and cook the egg for less time.

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